Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Maryla Rodowicz published a surprising confession! She wrote about her “true self”

Maryla Rodowicz (check!) is considered a living legend of the Polish music scene. The 78-year-old singer has been present in show business for over 60 years. She is still professionally active, plays many concerts and does not slow down at all. She maintains contact with her fans by publishing many photos online, thanks to which listeners can see her life from behind the scenes. Maryla's entries are always accompanied by interesting descriptions in which the singer is painfully honest.

Recently, a photo appeared on Maryla Rodowicz's Instagram account in which the legendary singer poses in a light dress and pearls around her neck. The almost fairy-tale photo is accompanied by a description in which the star decided to confess the truth about her true self. “Delicate, pale pink Maryla, but it's only appearances, inside there's a volcano and a devil. In the evening it softens, I become sweet, candy-like,” wrote the singer.

There were many compliments and words in the comments, admiring Maryla Rodowicz and her blooming appearance. Some observers appreciated the idol's confession and praised her for admitting her “true self”. “A queen with many faces”, “And who will stop an artist?”, “It's just like me. A woman is changeable” – we read in the comments on Instagram.

A new photo and a sincere confession by Maryla Rodowicz reminded one observer of another international star. An Instagram user wrote in a comment under the post that the Polish singer looks like… Hannah Montana! She was the main character of a series that was broadcast on Disney Channel quite a few years ago. The series Hannah (played by Miley Cyrus) during the day she was an ordinary girl studying at school, and in the evenings she put on a blonde wig and conquered the biggest music stages in the world.

Maryla Rodowicz does not hide her true face under a wig. He is a big star of the music scene, without hiding his identity. However, she revealed that, like Hannah Montana, she has two faces. This confession and a photo with blonde hair and a striking styling made one of the Polish star's listeners compare her to a much younger TV series singer. Is Maryla really the Polish Hannah Montana?