Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Markowska couldn’t take her eyes off her! On TVP, Natalia Muianga brought everyone to their knees

The general public got to know Natalia Capelik-Muiangacurrently known as Natalia Muianga, in the eighth edition “I have a talent” (fall 2015). “I asked like an idiot why you chose this song (“Fever”), and it’s very good that you chose her” – she complimented the participant Agnieszka Chylińska at the casting.

The singer made it to the final, where she ultimately took seventh place (she was one of three singers in the last stage – the other singers who reached this high were: Kamil Czeszel and Liliana Iżyk). The winner of the TVN show was an acrobat Aleksandra Kiedrowicz. Natalia could count on support, among others: the then president of Gdańsk Paweł Adamowiczwho appealed to the city’s residents to send text messages to the girl.

The next step in her career was to perform in “The Voyage of Poland”. During the blind auditions of the ninth edition of the TVP talent show, she performed the song Alice Merton “No Roots” and won the hearts of all coaches. Patricia Markowska she couldn’t hide her surprise and admiration for the girl after she turned around.

The participant was flirted with by each of the trainers, Grzegorz Hyzy he sang a song with her “Valery” Amy Winehouse. Muianga chose this coach after this duet.

Adventure with the daughter program, Joel Pedro Muiangathe main character of the music video “Makumba”, ended in the first live episode.

In recent years, the singer has appeared on television several times. Her voice could be heard in the song “Who you really are”who promoted the program “Big Brother” from 2019. In the meantime, Muianga obtained a diploma from the Academy of Music in Gdańsk.

In 2024, the artist announced that she was starting “new era” in her career. This involved shortening her artistic pseudonym. The new things in her life were announced by the song “I prefer one”(check!). As the singer herself emphasizes, the song is about love.

During the recordings she was accompanied by the band, of which she is the leader: Filip Żółtowski (trumpet), Michał Sasinowski (saxophone), Mateusz Jaremko (guitar), Adam Pachla (bass), Ariel Suchowiecki (piano), Mikołaj Stańko (drums) and Julia Olędzka (backing vocals).

– This is a song that stylistically presents me in a slightly different version. It is my own song, which I recorded together with the band of which I am the leader. I think that another single will appear soon – she commented in an interview with Interia.

With the song Muianga she entered the Debuts concert at Festival in Opolewhere she ultimately performed not with her own composition, but with a cover Czesław Niemen.

– The challenge is really high. Well, that’s why I sing. I like challenges and I accepted them. I hope I can handle it. It’s a beautiful song, in a beautiful arrangement Patrick Sikora – she said before the show and performance “Dream about Warsaw”.

In a conversation with Interia, the artist confirmed that she plans to release another song soon and is also working on her debut album.

– The next song that will appear will be a ballad, but I think it’s very pretty, very much my style. It will also be a song about love, but a little different. I cordially invite you to follow me on Instagram and Facebook, I think I will share more information – she said.

– For now, I’m building material for my album. I’m working with a producer to make it available as soon as possible. I plan to release songs from time to time, to be systematic, regular. For now, I’m working independently, so it’s going slowly, but I’m building this path and I hope that I’ll be able to share as much material as possible as soon as possible – she said.