Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Helena Vondráčková has a husband who is 12 years younger than her. That’s why her family turned away from her

The most popular Czech star of the 20th century has sold around 200 million records worldwide. Helena Vondracková recorded over a thousand songs (check!), has won numerous awards and distinctions.

She has performed in Poland many times, including as a participant in the program “Dancing with the Stars” (2007) and a juror “Star Voice. Stars have a voice” (2020).

The star’s private life has always stirred up great emotions. In the 1960s, she was involved with a lyricist Zdenek Rytirthen she dated for six years Ludek Švábenskya musician of the band The sly ones.

In 1983 she married the bassist Helmut Sickel from a group originating from the GDR District (they met during festival in Sopot in 1977). This chosen one was seven years younger than her. The couple divorced in 2001. Two years later, Helena got married again. This time, she married an entrepreneur Martin Michalwho is currently her manager.

“My husband is 12 years younger than me. The previous one was younger by seven. I didn’t plan it, but it’s not bad. In fact, it’s very good! Such a husband motivates the girl to make an effort and take care of herself. There is greater mobilization ” – said the singer in “Super Express”.

This relationship, however, was not accepted by the closest members of Vondrackova’s family. The singer’s brother, Jiri Vondraček called Martin a “smart gigolo who found himself an aging singer.” The singer and actress were also against it Lucie Vondračková – the artist’s niece.

“My brother didn’t want me to marry Martin and that’s a problem. I’m sorry because we were a great family, but he doesn’t accept my husband. I don’t understand it, I’m very happy with him,” Helena commented in “Dobry Tygodnia”.