TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

“For good and for bad” after the holidays: Episode 923. Must disappear. Will they meet again?

While staying in a hideout outside the city, Milewski notices a new bracelet on his wife’s hand. He will praise the jewelry and say he has never seen it before. Then Blanka will inform him that it is a gift from Sergiusz (Mateusz Kaczmarek), who flew to Poland and visited her in the hospital to thank her for saving her life.

At this point, Mario’s good mood will disappear, but he will try not to let the doctor notice it. He laughs that he has competition, then nervously stands up and walks to the window. He will ask his wife if someone was following her. Milewska will answer that no, and at the same time she will try to find out whether her beloved is in any danger. Could someone want to kill him? And if so, who?

However, he will not get an answer because the gangster will see Sergiusz’s driver standing behind the fence from the garden side through the window. He will immediately reach for the phone and notify the security that there are perverts lurking around the estate, preying on small children.

A moment later, a police car will appear in front of the house. The officers will identify Sergio and his driver. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mario and Blanka will leave the property unnoticed.

When she sees Sergiusz, Milewska will freeze with horror. Eventually, she will guess that the man she met in Fuerteventura may be really dangerous, and she thoughtlessly revealed Mario’s whereabouts to him. She will come to the conclusion that Sergio must have been following her and will start asking her husband about him. Milewski will reply that the less she knows about his business, the better for her. He tells her to avoid Sergius and then informs her that he must disappear for a while.

Standing against the wall, Blanka will give her lover the bracelet received from Sergiusz. Mario will remind you that you don’t give away gifts, which Milewska responds by saying that it’s a good luck charm that she wants to get back the next time they meet.

What will happen next in this most exciting storyline of the series “For good and for bad”?

We reveal that the 923rd episode “For good and for bad”, will be broadcast on Wednesday, September 4 at 20.55 on TVP2.