Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Cavatina Guitar Festival 2024: Is Miles Kane the best concert of this year?

I also laughed after leaving the station because it reminded me of Łódź and the lack of sidewalks after leaving Fabryczna. And this is just the beginning of the attractions!

Seriously – the first impression of the city itself was not the happiest, but after ten minutes and reaching the promenade with the Reksio monument, I liked it better. I liked it even more after seeing Cavatina Hall, because the building is really impressive and it is not a modern building placed in the middle of the city, as is often the case.

However, after hearing what the concerts sounded like there, I already fell in love with this place. If you are concerned about this and like the sound to massage your brain, then Cavatina definitely does the trick. In this room Matecki started the festival and I'm very glad that I saw him there and not on some outdoor stage. There weren't many viewers yet, but I hope they are aware of what they lost.

Speaking of outdoor scenes – there's also this one Cavatina Guitar Festival Is. He opened this one oysterboy, which I (probably) haven't had the opportunity to hear live before, and yet how many times have I sung “I don't have the desire to do absolutely nothing”! Now we have heard, among others: “Nostalgia will exhaust me”, “I miss you”, “I'm only good for sleeping” or “I would like to live by the sea”. I would like to listen to it again, but this time maybe in a more intimate club?

He was next on the main stage John J. Presley, distinguished by the fact that the band is complemented by two women, because a women's band with male vocals is rare. And the drummer has joined my top favorite women in music. Total fire. I know that the reference to Elvis will be the most obvious one here, but while Elvis was the king of rock'n'roll, John shows that blues-rock is alive and well. If I ever take a trip to American dirty rock bars and make a movie out of it, John J. Presley's music will be the soundtrack.

Infirmity it gave some breathing space and while there's really nothing to complain about the concert, I would also like to see it more in a slightly smoky club.

And then Miles Kane. Was this my concert of 2024? I don't want to predict in May, but I don't rule it out. It was even possible to survive the squeals of the underage female fan club that gathered near the stage. If I were behind the microphone, it would probably embarrass me, I think. But I'm not cut out to be a rock star, but Miles bravely let me touch me and hold my hand. I won't go into detail about the sound system, but the firefly should also get a bonus and a good dinner as a reward. And Miles comes up with a must-see concert, if anyone asks.

The first day of the Cavatina Guitar Festival closed Misia Furtak on the outdoor stage. Which, I admit, surprised me a bit, because festivals usually end with some strong… accent on the main stage.

There are still four days ahead of us. Will we hear a better concert than Miles Kane? I don't know, but I hope that attempts will be made.