Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Catherine Deneuve in a film about Marcello Mastroianni. Premiere in Cannes!

It will take place at the Cannes Film Festival world premiere of the film “Marcello Mio”which pays tribute to the cinema star on the 100th anniversary of his birth. The main roles are played by: Chiara Mastroianni, Catherine Deneuve, Fabrice Luchini, Melvil Poupaud, Benjamin Biolay and Nicole Garcia.

What is the plot of the movie? Chiara is an actress, daughter Marcello Mastroianni and Catherine Deneuve. One summer, when her world is thrown into chaos, she decides to start living like her father. She dresses like him, talks like him, breathes like him, so convincingly that people around start to believe it and call her “Marcello”.

“Marcello Mia” is another film on which Christophe Honoré and Chiara Mastroianni collaborated. For her role in “Room 212” by this director, Mastroianni received an award at the Cannes festival. “Marcello Mio” is Christophe's fifth film’and Honoré’a, which was included in the selection of this prestigious festival and third in the Main Competition, after “Songs about Love” and “Sorry Angel”.

“Every filmmaker is tempted to make a film about cinema, and I always knew that mine would focus on the actors, especially when they're not working. It's quite a strange and mysterious time because when they arrive on set, you don't know where they come from and where do they go back when the filming ends,” says Christophe Honoré.

“Eight and half”, “Sweet life”, “Ginger and Fred” Federico Fellini, “Night” Michelangelo Antonioni or “Stranger” Luchino Visconti are just a few of the films starring Marcello Mastroianni that went down in cinema history.

“Marcello Mia” returns to his iconic roles, recalls the most important moments from his life and career, through the character played by Chiara Mastroianni. The film's Marcello sets out, among others, to Rome, where he again visits places known from Mastroianni's filmography, including the Trevi Fountain, to experience unforgettable moments known from Fellini's “La Dolce Vita”.

The world premiere of “Marcello Mio” will take place in the Main Competition of the Cannes festival. The film will soon be available to watch in Polish cinemas. The title's distributor is Galapagos Films.