Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Bomb scare in Cannes? What's happening at the festival?

“At 3:00 p.m., the press screening of the latest film by Chinese director Jia Zhangke was supposed to start in Cannes. The screening was planned in the festival palace. However, the gates were not opened for journalists. Instead of letting interested people into the cinema, the police showed up and started pushing away the audience. from the red carpet,” Artur Zaborski, a journalist and film critic who is currently in Cannes, told us.

“A large part of the famous La Croisette boulevard was quickly closed. The section in front of the palace is closed to traffic, including pedestrians. The police do not provide information on the reason for the suspension of the screening. We were only told that it was about a suspicious package inside,” he added.

“Let us recall that this year, special security measures are being taken at the festival because the organizers are afraid of protests against Israel's war with Palestine. Even the jurors walk around Cannes with bodyguards – this year they are led by Greta Gerwig. It is not known yet when they will be resumed. projections,” explains the journalist.

The Cannes Film Festival started on May 14 and will end on May 25. See our special report from Cannes!