Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Barcelona fights against sellers of vulgar souvenirs

Barcelona authorities have had enough. To get rid of this type of plague “souvenirs” want to introduce regulations that would concern what gadgets are allowed to be sold and which are strictly prohibited.

Barcelona City Council wants to introduce . This group would include all kinds of sexually suggestive or homophobic items.

– this is what one of the local councilors said about the current souvenirs. He also named the stores offering this type of products as .

The issue of regulating souvenirs was presented in more detail on Friday, June 28, and . The councilors and their idea are also supported by – the deputy mayor of Barcelona for the economy. At a special meeting, he promised that.

At the same time, it is worth emphasizing that . According to the current regulations, no regulatory criteria can be established regarding the content or aesthetic quality of a souvenir.

– “It is difficult to standardize this because ” – said Valls, but noted that the Barcelona authorities will do everything in their power to prevent the sale of vulgar souvenirs.