TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

Animated “Terminator”? Netflix has a new idea for the cult series!

The latest series to appear on Netflix, is to treat previous films with respect, recognizing them as canon. The production's screenwriter, Mattson Tomlin, makes hopeful promises:

“We're not going to pretend that the third movie didn't happen. We're not going to pretend that the sixth movie didn't happen.”

But there will be surprises.

The latest production from the world of “Terminator” will not only be a series, but will also be made in a unique way – will be an animation, which will be the responsibility of the studio that created such a hit as “Ghost in the Shell”. The latest production is expected to exceed viewers' expectations.

Instead of weapons we will see samurai swords, instead of shootings – epic duels for blades. However, the new production will differ from the films in one most important element: the absence of the Connor family – Sarah and John.

“I think it's time to step into new characters and not burden ourselves with another saga about John and Sarah Connor. This has happened several times. There are many references to other films,” reveals Tomlin, the series' screenwriter.

The series takes place in 1997, just before Judgment Day, the war between humans and machines that lasted for decades to come. However, there will be well-known motifs, i.e. time travel. This time, a warrior from the future is sent to protect scientist Malcolm Lee, who is working on creating a competitive AI. At the same time, he is being hunted by a Terminator from the future, which will threaten his three children.

“I knew I wanted to tell a time travel story, and I knew I wanted to tell a multi-generational, Godfather-like saga that would ultimately follow a family with children,” Tomlin says.

We don't know yet who will voice the animated characters, and we also don't have confirmation about Arnold Schwarzenegger's participation.

Episodes of “Terminator Zero” will debut on Netflix August 29, 2024.