TV Shows
Jacob Mendez
Jacob Mendez

An important character returned to “The Boys”. Why? After all, he died!

In the series “The Boys” is full of colorful characters who will do anything to stay on top – they appear in TV series, films and commercials. Black Noir stood out from them, as he is silent and the only thing he shows off is his great fighting skills. However, in the last season it seemed to us that we said goodbye to this character for good – after he died at the hand of Homelander. Why is he back now?

In the first episode, Black Noir initially retains his mysterious nature and still does not speak. However, later the truth comes to light: the hero was not “magically” resurrected. The truth is much more prosaic – the “new” Noir is a stunt actor who was drafted into “The Seven” to fill a gap in the team.

The new-old hero has a completely different personality – he is outspoken, chatters at the most inappropriate moments, and definitely doesn't have the best relationships with the rest of the crew. At the beginning of the second episode, he is not afraid to ask directly whether “The Seven” regularly commits murders. Will we see the face of the new Black Noir revealed? We will find out in the coming weeks.

In the comics by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson, Black Noir has a completely different story. In issue 65, it is revealed that Black Noir is actually a clone of Homelander, which is a safety valve in case Homelander gets out of control. It is Noir who is responsible for the most brutal crimes for which the leader of the “Seven” is accused. Will this be the final resolution of Noir's story?

Comic book fans will probably be disappointed, because Eric Kripke, the creator of the series, clearly said that he did not like the solution to Noir's story and would lead the story according to his own idea, which we have already seen.

The fourth season of “The Boys” hit the Prime Video platform on June 13. Viewers received access to three episodes, and more will be published weekly.

world series